Clear honeysuckle and other stubborn invasive shrubs from your property—quickly and naturally.
Bush and shrub removal is fast and easy thanks to this powerful lever tool. It works on all shrubs and bushes with a spreading or shallow root system up to 10-15 years old.
Far more effective than other honeysuckle removal tools
If you’ve got honeysuckles, or any other type of shallow rooted invasive bush, The Popper is an essential tool to add to your invasives killing toolbox. The Popper works a LOT better than any kind of shovel, mattock, axe, or any other tool, AND requires LESS physical effort per bush. When removing shrubs, you need a good 'prying tool' and thats what the Shrub Buster is.
Use the Popper on many other invasive shrubs
Bush honeysuckle, buckthorn, blackberry bushes, autumn olive, privet, multiflora rose, burning bush, barberry, small evergreen shrubs, and many more. The tip hooks under the stump and forces it up and out. Works better on bushes than the pulling tools.
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How to Kill Honeysuckle with the Popper

The Honeysuckle Popper
The Popper is a very strong lever tool that uses the power of an 8:1 leverage advantage to remove shrubs. It lifts them out of the ground by exploiting them at their weakest point: FROM BELOW.

Best Way to Kill Invasive Honeysuckle
You can remove invasive or unwanted bushes up to 12-15 years old with this tool, and its guaranteed to work FASTER and EASIER than any other shrub removal tool.

Remove Honeysuckles by the roots
The solid steel tip slips between the roots so you can engage the hard 'bottom' of the bush and lift it out, taking most of the roots with it. A 180 pound person can apply over 1,800 pounds of upward pressure against the solid root crown found on bush honeysuckle and most other shrubs.